These are products we've actually bought, in all their randomness. Enjoy. ;)
WooCommerce Subscriptions unexpected value: INF
Short and sweet, because I got no Google results for my search: When calling WCS_Switch_Cart_Item::get_old_price_per_day(), I got back INF as a result. After tracking it down, it was because I had filtered wcs_switch_proration_days_in_old_cycle but had…
Sorting posts by meta_value when they’re saved as an ACF serialized array
What I searched for “acf” sort by meta_value serialized Why I searched for it I’m using Advanced Custom Fields to let a site manager pick one or more US states to associate with each Chapter…
Digging into “$(…).tipTip is not a function” error
What I searched for “Uncaught TypeError: $(…).tipTip is not a function” Beaver Builder Why I searched for it When I was trying to load Beaver Builder’s settings page in the WordPress backend, I was getting…